French Far Right Leads in Polls Ahead of Legislative Elections

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With three days remaining before French voters head to the polls for snap legislative elections, the far-right National Rally (RN), led by Marine Le Pen, is leading opinion polls. This follows President Emmanuel Macron’s decision to call the election after his party’s recent defeat in the European elections.

Current surveys suggest the RN will secure over 35 percent of the vote in the first round on Sunday. A left-wing alliance is expected to follow with approximately 29 percent, while Macron’s centrist coalition trails at around 20 percent. If these predictions hold, Macron could face a challenging cohabitation with an opposition-led government or a fragmented legislature incapable of forming a stable majority.

The brief three-week campaign period, initiated after the June 9 European election setback, has not significantly altered voter sentiments. Brice Teinturier, deputy director of pollster Ipsos, emphasized the “incredible power” of the RN bloc.

Polling firms Harris Interactive Toluna and Ifop-Fiducial project the RN could win between 250 and 305 seats out of 577, potentially achieving an absolute majority. Marine Le Pen has already begun preparations for such an outcome, stating that in this scenario, the prime minister would hold significant power, including over military decisions related to Ukraine.

The RN has announced that it will not enter into a coalition without securing an absolute majority, leaving the possibility of a political deadlock if no party can maintain a stable government.

Incumbent Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, appointed by Macron as France’s youngest-ever prime minister, is attempting to rally support. Attal will participate in a crucial TV debate with RN frontman Jordan Bardella and Socialist Party leader Olivier Faure. This debate represents one of the final opportunities to sway voters before the official suspension of campaigning on Saturday.

During the campaign, Attal has urged voters to reject the RN for its divisive policies and criticized the left alliance for fostering sectarianism. Bardella, on the other hand, has promised to reverse Macron’s pension age increase and exempt under-30s from income tax, though he faced scrutiny over the feasibility of these plans.

The New Popular Front, a coalition of leftist parties, is also polling ahead of Macron’s centrists. They propose increased borrowing and higher taxes on the wealthy to fund social programs, including better pensions and higher pay for government workers.

As France prepares for the two-round election on June 30 and July 7, the outcome remains uncertain. Macron has warned that victories for either extreme could lead to significant national strife.

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